You are an equities analyst trying to value the equity of the Australian supermarket conglomerate Woolworths, with ticker WOW. In Australia, listed companies like Woolworths tend to pay dividends every 6 months. The payment around September is the final dividend and the payment around March is called the interim dividend. Both occur annually.
- Today is mid-November 2018.
- WOW's last final dividend of $0.50 was two months ago in mid-September 2018.
- WOW's last interim dividend of $0.43 was eight months ago in mid-March 2018.
- Judging by the dividend history and WOW's prospects, you judge that the growth rate in the dividends will be 3% pa forever.
- Assume that WOW's total cost of equity is 6.5% pa. All rates are quoted as nominal effective rates.
- The dividends are nominal cash flows and the inflation rate is 2.5% pa.
What should be the current share price of WOW?